Sunday, March 27, 2011

Welcome To Culinary Crafts

I started writing a weekly culinary column for a local online news site in January 2011. I have several friends at iSurf and I keep saying that when I grow up, "I'm going to be an iSurfer". I can just picture me being that roving reporter, pushing through the crowd to get the scoop. But sometimes, even when we think we know what we want, something even more fitting comes along.

I love to cook, but find it so much easier to stop by for a quick burger on my way home or just throw something into the microwave, since there is just my son and I at home. But we have had such a long, cold winter and since I had recently developed a love for soup (which I consider a sign of growing older), I decided to make a crock pot of soup one day. It turned out so good and after posting pics of it on FaceBook, I started getting compliments about my soup and my cooking skills.

My friend, Jesse, News Director at iSurf, sent me a message asking for the recipe to put on the weekly column, "Culinary Crafts". After sending several messages back and forth, Jesse said that they were looking for someone to take over the column because the person that was doing it was now having some health problems. After several negotiations, we settled on me being the next "Culinary Crafts" Columnist and he told me I could pretty well write it up any way I wanted. I decided to write it like a blog, using a different theme each week and having three recipes in the column.

So, having said all that, I've decided to keep a blog about my culinary experiences, which will mostly be posts of the weekly columns but I may throw in a few about my culinary romps that I make throughout The 'Land.

So...welcome. Let the Culinary begin!!

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